Tri-District Camporee
Cumberland Head State Park, Plattsburgh, NY
May 2008

group photo

Assistant Scoutmaster Dr. Balestrini,  Corey,  Mrs. Detwiler,  Michael H.,
Scoutmaster Huttlinger,  Scott,  Brendan D.,  John

Subway of Lake Placid donated delicious sub sandwiches for all Troop 10 campers


Camp site photo

Golden Fox,  Leaders,  Mountain Dogs


Cooking French toast photo

Cooking French toast  -  Brendan D.  &  Michael H.

Mt. Dog patrol cooking photo

John,  Corey,  Brendan D.,  Scott

Cooking blueberry pancakes
Cooking pancakes photo
Dr. Balestrini

The fire - lots of free wood & free time....
Fire photo
John,  Brendan D.,  Corey,  Michael H.


Catapult building photo

Builders - Scott,  John.,  Michael H.,  Corey,  Brendan D.

Catapult - in action
Catapult in action photo

Scott,  Corey,  Mrs. Detwiler,  Brendan,   John, & Michael H. (pulling the rope),  Dr. B. (foot on base)

Bring your own wood, bark, etc.  Build a fire.  Quickest to burn the string wins

New method - Just slide the box of wood under the bar & light it.
Fire contest photo 1
Team 1 - John,  Brendan &  Scott
Watching - Mrs. Detwiler & Dr. Balestrini

Using traditional method
Fire contest photo 2

Alex,  Corey,  Michael

BARREL CONTEST - Transport a scout as fast a possible.
Barrel contest photo
Scott,  Michael H.,  Corey,  Alex (on the board),  John

LOG PULL - Tie a timber hitch & fastest to pull a distance wins.
Log pull photo
Mrs. Detwiler,  Corey,  Alex (kneeling),  John (tieing),
Scott & Michael (background, will pull the log back),  judge

LOG PULL - Return the log
Log pull 2 photo
Scott,  &  Michael

Order of the Arrow - Scout honor society
Order of the Arrow photo

Scoutmaster Huttlinger 'taps out' an unsuspecting Robert.

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